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minilogo Eve Online

Article published 27th August 2010, 00:53 by Stumpy_Cat and last updated 27th August 2010, 00:54

Look what happend!

Nothing really and thats the point.
Look what happend! Space its really big, it has to be to hold all the stuff. But hold on space is a vacuum I hear you cry(I do honestly hear these things). So how can it be a vacuum and have stuff in it? Well thats whats called science. Or as most of us know it, a load of bollocks.
The main problem with space is that it contains everything, therefore it has to have a shape and a size. But if it contains everything it cant have either, because to have a shape would imply that it has an edge or end and I know your thinking "Hold on captain twat face, I see the error in that. How can it have a shape and size if space is everything and contains everything? What can contain space to define its size and shape?". Thats whats called science or as we all know it, pointing out the obvious flaws. To get around this scientists have come up with all sorts of shite. Nested universe theory, quantum uncertainty, Nspace portals and all that. But what thats for is to stop you pointing at them and saying "OI Einstien your a fucking tard. Go back to the patent office and take Mr Nolegs Dalek with you." and nomatter what anyone tells you space is really, really boring. Just because it has everything thats happening everywhere at anytime dosnt make it cool or fun or exciting. It just makes it hard to get to and makes it seem like everthing fun is happening everywhere else.
Bit like EVE today really. Roll eyes

Heres something to look at and please the inner geek. BTW Dearth Vader r0xz0r your world.



27th August 2010, 08:33

Hard to tell, but I think the Battlestar Pegasus is actually a bit bigger than the Battlestar Galactica and therefore should be in your chart:


Out of curiosity, what's the largest ship obtainable in EVE? (Any type, Freighter, Battleship etc.)

28th August 2010, 15:02

Biggest ship possible (im pretty sure) is a Titan, only ship capable of carrying a doomsday weapon which used to be able to wipe out entire fleets, but i think with one of the latest patches it was changed but to what i dont know
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